What is control structure?

 In computer programming, a control structure refers to the way in which the program flow is controlled or directed based on certain conditions or decisions made within the program. Control structures help to determine the order in which instructions or statements are executed, and they allow programmers to create complex algorithms and programs.

There are three main types of control structures:

  1. Sequential: This is the simplest type of control structure and refers to the default order in which statements are executed. In a sequential program, statements are executed one after another, in the order in which they appear in the code.

  2. Conditional: Conditional structures allow the program to make decisions based on certain conditions. This is typically done using if-then statements, which check whether a certain condition is true or false and then execute a block of code accordingly.

  3. Iterative: Iterative structures allow the program to repeat a certain block of code multiple times, based on certain conditions. This is typically done using loops, which execute a block of code repeatedly until a certain condition is met.

By using these three basic control structures, programmers can create complex algorithms that can perform a wide range of tasks and operations.

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