State and explain differences between a queue and circular queue.

 Here is a table outlining the differences between a queue and a circular queue:

QueueCircular Queue
A data structure that follows the FIFO (First-In, First-Out) principle.A data structure that follows the FIFO principle and uses a circular array to store elements.
Elements are added at the rear end of the queue and removed from the front end.Elements are added at the rear end of the queue and removed from the front end. However, the front and rear end of the queue are connected in a circular manner.
When the queue becomes full, it is not possible to add any more elements.When the queue becomes full, new elements can be added by overwriting the oldest elements in the queue, because the front and rear ends of the queue are connected.
It has a fixed size, which means that the maximum number of elements that can be stored is predetermined.It also has a fixed size, but it can hold more elements than a normal queue of the same size because of the circular nature of the array.
It can be implemented using a linked list or an array.It is implemented using an array.
Insertion and deletion operations have a time complexity of O(1) (constant time) in the average case.Insertion and deletion operations have a time complexity of O(1) (constant time) in the average case. However, if the circular queue is implemented using a fixed-size array, the time complexity of inserting a new element when the queue is full is O(n) (linear time), where n is the size of the array.

In summary, a circular queue is a variation of a queue that allows efficient use of space by overwriting the oldest elements in the queue when it becomes full, while maintaining the FIFO principle. It is useful in situations where a fixed-size buffer is needed to hold a stream of data, such as in computer networking and operating systems.

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